Say It Ain’t So, Sam
Dear Uncle Sam, is it true what they say?
That the rich and the powerful are leading you astray?
They say you’re turning your back on the weak and the poor
Uncle Sam, don’t you love us any more?
Say it ain’t so, Sam
Say it ain’t so!
Don’t stoop so low, Sam,
Say it ain’t so!
Dear Nephew and/or Niece,
Thank you for taking the time to contact me to express
your thoughts.
None of the positions I have outlined are undertaken
lightly, and you may rest assured that I will continue
to exercise my responsibilities in a manner mindful
not only of my convictions, but of the Constitutional
imperatives of this office.
Not to mention the special interest groups who make it
all possible.
Again, thank you for taking the time to express your thoughts.
Your Uncle,
Dear Uncle Sam, we don’t know what to think
Will you throw us a line, or would you rather see us sink?
We’re holding on at the end of our rope
Uncle Sam, you’re our one and only hope!
Say it ain’t so, Sam
Say it ain’t so!
Don’t stoop so low, Sam,
Say it ain’t so!